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About Us

AI technology and its application across sectors have provided numerous social and economic benefits. In the last few years, this versatile technology has made a significant impact in our daily lives, work, interactions, and lifestyles. This deeper integration of AI within our society comes with its own set of opportunities and challenges. While on one hand it promises to drive socio-economic growth and welfare, on the other hand, there is a potential for abuse, and risks that must be mitigated. Therefore, as we usher into the AI era, we need to revisit our social norms and values, to ensure that we maximise the benefits and minimise the harms, i.e responsible evolution of AI.

Every stakeholder, from the government to industry, startups, civil-society and academia - will have a role to play. Collective thinking will be critical as we navigate the path to make AI safer, while ensuring that it solves for our most complex problems. CoRE-AI is an attempt to foster this collective thinking and action, by forming a multi-stakeholder coalition, and to contribute to India's AI journey.

About Us

AI technology and its application across sectors have provided numerous social and economic benefits. In the last few years, this versatile technology has made a significant impact in our daily lives, work, interactions, and lifestyles. This deeper integration of AI within our society comes with its own set of opportunities and challenges. While on one hand it promises to drive socio-economic growth and welfare, on the other hand, there is a potential for abuse, and risks that must be mitigated. Therefore, as we usher into the AI era, we need to revisit our social norms and values, to ensure that we maximise the benefits and minimise the harms, i.e responsible evolution of AI.

Every stakeholder, from the government to industry, startups, civil-society and academia - will have a role to play. Collective thinking will be critical as we navigate the path to make AI safer, while ensuring that it solves for our most complex problems. CoRE-AI is an attempt to foster this collective thinking and action, by forming a multi-stakeholder coalition, and to contribute to India's AI journey.

Our Vision

Our Mission

Our Vision

Through collective efforts, CoRE-AI will aim to harness the power of AI for positive impact and social good.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring diverse stakeholders together to engage, contribute, learn, and collaborate through various initiatives and conversations about responsible development, evolution, and usage of AI technologies.