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Privacy Policy

At CoRE-AI, we prioritize your privacy and are dedicated to safeguarding your personal information. We never sell or share any personally identifiable information you provide. The information we collect is solely for the essential functioning of our website, ensuring you have a seamless and secure experience. Any data gathered is limited to what is necessary for website operations.

As CoRE-AI expands its offerings, including the launch of events and newsletter, each of these will have clear guidelines on how your data will be processed. In line with our commitment to data protection, we will adhere to the principles of data minimization and purpose limitation, collecting only the information necessary for these specific purposes. 

We may update this Privacy Policy periodically by posting a new version on our website. We are committed to keeping you informed of any changes that may affect your privacy. 

By using our website, you acknowledge that you have read and understand this Privacy Policy and agree to its terms and conditions. If you have any questions or concerns about this Privacy Policy, please reach out to us at